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2007 Report on LCCA Lotherton Hall Day Trip
2007年夏季Lotherton Hall旅游简报

On the 24th of July 2007 Leeds Chinese Community Association and Leeds Meseum and Galleries had organised an educational trip to
Lotherton Hall. Yorkshire Project 2008 sponsors the coaches and entrance fee.

When we arrived Lotherton Hall we have to split into two groups. Antonia Lovelace and Linda Rosen had produced some information to
help the children to hunt for dragons, lions, quilins, phoenix etc. So the children won't find it boring just looking around the house. Afterward
they all went to explore the bird gardens. They find it very interesting.

It was a nice hot day, they all bring their own packed lunch and had a picnic outside the house. There was an adventure park situated
outside the bird garden. Every children love playing in the park.

The following photos were taken at that day.


LCCA 2007/2008